Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Busy Weekend...

Hi guys,
Yeah i know...i have been sometime did'nt update my blog...it was just too busy ler....event and things just came up last minute.

BTW, just recap what have been going on lately..

1) MAPA Fair
2) MME Race in
3) Friend Wedding (Day and Night)
So let me start off with MAPA Fair, it was totally sucks....crowds was bad...the exhibitors was less...organizers was worse....so i can conclude is...FAILURE...Then why i am there? Have some client need girls to be there lor...*brochure distributing*

Then come to MME Race, wow....this year was madness...more Porches then any other year...congratulation to the Singapore team who was Won the Class O race. A lots of my friend was there... me going for a while only to give some support to them and as usual....supplying girls to the Race event too....

Here are the Result for the whole event....

Slowly see those name....and u will notice it... :)

Team Petronas...Driven by my friend...Farique...was the noisiest car during the MME Race...anyway, he finish 6th overall...was not bad tho... :)

This Chief Engineer caught scolding his Pit Crew for 'something'...as usual la...if my team was driving a Aston Martin...i also will piss off if something goes wrong.

One of the team driver was fainted during the race...due to dehaydration.
Some of the Event Girls on MME race... :)

And there u go...the race finish at 11.45pm...after 12 hours of non-stop action...hope to see more cars next year... :)
Sunday Morning
Did'nt manage to snap a lot of photos..coz was just tired. Woke up early and become 'Brother' was not an easy task. :)

My friend Fiat coupe...become the Wedding Car...nice white Coupe right? :)

Another one of my friend car...newly chipped and full on Carbon Fiber Golf GTi to become a photographer transporter.... :)

And here are the bunch of Brothers for that morning...All Italian cars and a German monster.. :)

And yeah...we are pretty boring too....coz waiting to transport those girls back to the Guys House.

basically is that all la for my recent weekend...was just way too busy....Now b ack to work...everything get back to working pace...getting better... :)

BTW, to all my Muslim friends....Selamat Berpuasa ya...


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